I'll be better.
I am the type of person that speaks her mind. I say things right when I feel them. When I'm angry. When I'm sad. When I'm happy. When I'm annoyed. I say them. Because people can tell from my face what I'm feeling. I don't hide my feelings very well. "I love you." "I hate you." "I miss you." "Shut up. You're annoying." But, when I say something, as much as it will hurt you, you just have to listen. You have to pay attention to what I have to say. That's the only time I am honest about how I feel. The only time I am honest about how I feel is when I blurt them. I am the most honest person when I am overwhelmed with deep emotions. If I have ever blurted out my feelings to you and you just kept quiet and paid attention, all I have to say is; Thank you. Thank you so much for taking my words seriously. Thank you so much for listening. I a...