I'll be better.

I am the type of person that speaks her mind.
I say things right when I feel them.
When I'm angry. When I'm sad. When I'm happy. When I'm annoyed.
I say them. Because people can tell from my face what I'm feeling.
I don't hide my feelings very well.
"I love you." "I hate you." "I miss you." "Shut up. You're annoying."

But, when I say something, as much as it will hurt you, you just have to listen.
You have to pay attention to what I have to say.
That's the only time I am honest about how I feel.
The only time I am honest about how I feel is when I blurt them.

I am the most honest person when I am overwhelmed with deep emotions.
If I have ever blurted out my feelings to you and you just kept quiet and paid attention,
all I have to say is;

Thank you.
Thank you so much for taking my words seriously.
Thank you so much for listening.

I am so honest with you because you make me feel everything so deeply.
Happiness. Sadness. Pain.
You make me feel so alive with all these feelings I feel so deeply with you.
I have never been so honest with someone before.
I am glad you are the first person I am ever so honest with.

I am sorry if I say things that hurt you when I am angry.
Thank you for not hurting me back.
Thank you for not wanting to hurt me back.
Thank you for not lashing out at me when you have all the reasons to.

You've been so patient.
8 years before, 8 years after.
You've been so patient with me.
With us.

I am honestly so in love with you.
Even more than I ever was 8 years before when I first fell in love with you.
I am so glad our paths crossed again.
I am so glad we met.

I'll be better.
I'll be better for you.
You deserve so much.
You're the best and you deserve the best.

I don't know what I would do without you.
It took me 8 years.
8 years to realize something.
8 years to realize;

You have become my everything.


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9 tahun.

Negaraku, Malaysia.