The Devil Wears Prada live in Kuala Lumpur.

Most of you might not be interested in the metal core, but I am.
And this is a blog post for those metal heads out there.

I woke up this morning with only one thing on my mind,


I was so ecstatic!

My parents dropped me off to work and the whole time I was working, all I could think of was how I'm gonna spend the 1st day of the month at a metal core concert with my boyfriend and our friends. Honestly, I can't think of a better way to spend my day.

Before I got to finish with work, my boyfriend came and surprise me.
He surprised me because the plan was for me to just go to the drop off zone and he'll pick me up there but yeah…

As soon as we arrived KL Live, the first thing we looked for were our friends. Once we spotted them, we joined in the line and it wasn't long until we we're in the concert hall. It was cold at first but of course, as time passed by with that amount of people in the hall, everyone started to sweat a little. Especially when everyone started noshing and getting so close to each other.

picture credits to Tune Talk's flickr
Oh Chenta Ku
The Padangs
Massacre Conspiracy (MC16)
Concert started with the opening bands. First band to perform was Oh Chenta Ku. The next band was The Padangs. Then the last one was Massacre Conspiracy (MC16). Oh Chenta Ku sang a punk cover of Siti Nurhaliza's (title of song) featuring Ash of Massacre Conspiracy. During Massacre Conspiracy's performance, we could see Chris Rubey of The Devil Wears Prada peeking out on the right side of the stage's curtain watching the performance. After the opening, everyone was already pumped up for The Devil Wears Prada's performance.

As soon as Massacre Conspiracy left the stage, The Devil Wears Prada's instrument technicians took the stage and did their soundcheck for every instrument. About 15 minutes later, one of the technicians gave a thumbs up and that was when we knew the show has started.

This was their setlist for the night:

Mike Hranica
The Devil Wears Prada
I think Malaysia was the only country in their tour that asked for them to play Hey John. It is a legendary song and Malaysian's that came for the concert demanded for them to perform the song and they did.

the crowd
Overall, it was just awesome. Some of my friends even got to touch Mike Hranica's hand! It was soooo cool. One of my friend even got to hang out with Mike Hranica after the concert and got his book "Home For Grave". It's safe to say that I will be waking up with body aches tomorrow! ;)


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